André Birnfeld ئاپەکان

One More Shot 1.3.2
André Birnfeld
One More Shot was developed to add a newtoolfor duty drunks. With up to 10 players, the game has more than80challenges to brighten your night or even your day drinking.Read the instructions in game before play!Features:-> Round Driver: The game helps you and your friends tochoosea driver who will not drink ... making everything safeandbeautiful.-> Lucky Roulette: The game of roulette is rotatedandselected a player and a type of challenge always randomly,making adynamic and unpredictable game.-> Selfie post game: After the end of the rounds (orwhentired), the application has a feature to take pictures andthenpost on Facebook picture of drunks.-> Smart Game: At the beginning, you enter data such aswhowill play the game (only men, women, and men and women only)andfrom there its challenges will be most appropriate foreachsituation.
Genius Quiz 11 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 11 with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz 12 1.0.4
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz 13 1.0.6
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Poke 1.0.5
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Poke is a special edition of our series of games as atheme behind much requested by our users. In response to requests,we launched 50 new and unique questions for Genio Quiz Poke.Remember that not all the answers are in the alternative! ~ Legal ~The following issues is based on the free interpretation of theseries of animated TV Pokemon, managed by the Pokémon Company,which owns the copyrights thereof and their relativeresponsibilities. Genio Quiz recognizes and respects theseproductions and his own, challenging as usual, intelligence andmemory of its members in its understandability, from the quotationof short extracts and passages, as authorized by Art. 46, III andVIII gives Brazilian Federal Law 9.610 / 1998. Art. 46. It is anoffense to copyright: III - the quotation in books, newspapers,magazines or any other means of communication, passages of anywork, for study, criticism or controversy, the justified measurefor the specific purpose, indicating the author's name and originof the work; VIII - the reproduction in any works of small snippetsof existing works of any kind, or full work, when fine arts,whenever the reproduction itself is not the main objective of thenew work and that does not harm the operation normal workreproduced and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimateinterests of authors.
Gênio Box 1.0.4
André Birnfeld
Gênio Box não contém 'trolladas' como na série Gênio Quiz natural,mas foi feito com muito carinho e acredito que da pra se divertirbastante... basicamente você escolhe dicas para descobrir qual oobjeto dentro da caixa.. se você acertar, você segue, se não, perdeuma vida.. são mais de 150 objetos e estou adicionando cada vezmais. Obrigado por baixarem e se não gostarem por favor me digam oporquê nos comentários que eu tento melhorar na medida do possível!
Gênio Quiz – Jogo de Perguntas e Respostas 1.1
André Birnfeld
Você é inteligente o bastante para um jogo de perguntas nívelGÊNIO?! Desafie seu cérebro com as perguntas mais difíceis jácolocadas em um jogo de quiz! Use todo seu conhecimento e poder deraciocínio para ir o mais longe que conseguir em um quiz de 100perguntas criadas para gênios! Pense muito bem nas respostas e façacada escolha valer a pena! Prove que é um gênio zerando o jogo deperguntas e respostas mais desafiador já criado, usando apenas 3vidas! Mostre a seus amigos que você consegue vencer esse quiz degênio e desafie-os a chegar ao final mais rápido que você! Aprendaa responder todas as questões rapidamente e faça todos se curvaremdiante da mente mais brilhante do rolê! DESTAQUES DE GÊNIO🧠RESPONDA um quiz de 100 perguntas nível gênio, em um jogo deperguntas e respostas criado para desafiar e surpreender até osmaiores experts! Pense fora da caixa e evite errar a qualquer custose quiser chegar até a misteriosa e lendária pergunta final!🧠DESAFIE seu cérebro e treine sua mente a cada nova pergunta doquiz! Uma pergunta que, a primeira vista, parece fácil pode virar oum bicho de sete cabeças em um piscar de olhos! Será que vocêconsegue chegar ao fim do jogo? 🧠TESTE seu conhecimento e podercerebral em um jogo de quiz grátis que você pode jogar quando eonde quiser! Fique mais inteligente e aprenda com seus erros paraconseguir zerar o jogo de perguntas e respostas mais difícil domundo! 🧠CHAME seus amigos para ver quem consegue responder maisperguntas no menor tempo! Tem certeza que a resposta certa está nasalternativas? Será mesmo? Para passar por todas as perguntas destequiz de gênio, você vai ter que questionar seu próprio raciocínio atodo momento e aprender a ver tudo de outro ângulo! Lembre-se: essenão é qualquer jogo de perguntas e respostas. Se você estáprocurando um desafio que vai testar suas habilidades cerebrais deverdade, acabou de achar! Candidate-se para o título de gênio doquiz e prove sua inteligência respondendo todas as 100 perguntas!Descubra um jogo de perguntas diferente de tudo e desafie seusamigos a pontuar mais que você! Jogue várias vezes para pegar asmanhas do questionário e torne-se invencível aprendendo a respondertodas as perguntas em tempo recorde! Vire um gênio do quiz agora!
Genius Quiz 2 1.0.2
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 2 with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz 4 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 4 with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz 5 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz 3 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Soccer 1.0.6
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Christmas 1.0.4
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz HP 1.0.4
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz HP with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz Reverse 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz 14 1.0.6
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game (maybe becausethe 98% didn't like it XD)
Genius Quiz Heroes 1.0.7
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Heroes is a special edition with question about Heroes!
Genius Quiz Animes 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
For the very first time, Genius Quiz Animes with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz SW 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz SW is a especial edition about the most watched starserie ever!
Genius Quiz Animals 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
For the very first time, Genius Quiz Animals with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz GOT 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Naru - Smart Anime 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
Are you a real anime fan? Test your knowledge with a genius-leveltrivia game
Genius Quiz Countries 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Science 1.0.0
André Birnfeld
-50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not in thealternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Royale 1.0.5
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthe alternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Royale 2 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthealternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genio Quiz Clans 1.0
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Clans is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. In response torequests,we launched 50 new and unique questions for Genio QuizClans.Remember that not all the answers are in the alternative! ~Legal ~The following issues is based on the free interpretation oftheseries of game managed by Supercell, which owns thecopyrightsthereof and their relative responsibilities. Genio Quizrecognizesand respects these productions and his own, challengingas usual,intelligence and memory of its members in itsunderstandability,from the quotation of short extracts andpassages, as authorized byArt. 46, III and VIII gives BrazilianFederal Law 9.610 / 1998.Art. 46. It is an offense to copyright:III - the quotation inbooks, newspapers, magazines or any othermeans of communication,passages of any work, for study, criticismor controversy, thejustified measure for the specific purpose,indicating the author'sname and origin of the work; VIII - thereproduction in any worksof small snippets of existing works of anykind, or full work, whenfine arts, whenever the reproduction itselfis not the mainobjective of the new work and that does not harm theoperationnormal work reproduced and does not unreasonably prejudicethelegitimate interests of authors.
Genius Quiz Memes 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthealternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Craft 1.1
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthealternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Gênio Quiz Youtubers 3 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
You are smart? Find out if you are able to beat the Genius QuizYoutubers 3!
Genius Quiz 15 1.0
André Birnfeld
Features: -50 unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not inthealternatives -Only 2% of people finish this game
Genio Quiz Yugi 1.0
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Yugi is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. In response torequests,we launched 50 new and unique questions for Genio QuizYugi.Remember that not all the answers are in the alternative!
Genius Quiz TWD 1.0.2
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz TWD is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. Features: -50uniquequestions -Sometimes the answers are not in the alternatives-Only2% of people finish this game Remember that not all theanswers arein the alternative!
Gênio Quiz Youtubers 2 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
Quantos joinhas você deu no ultimo vídeo do seu Youtuberpreferido?Quem é o mais influenciador do Brasil? Quantasvisualizações tem omaior canal do Youtube? 📹 "Mas esse jogo asperguntas sãofáceis..." Aposto que não tudo, afinal nem 2% daspessoas chegam aofinal 📹 "Mas as perguntas são muito intuitivas..."Não! Os vloggerstêm segredos que vocês nem imaginam! Saiba se seusconhecimentossobre youtubers são suficientes para vencer o jogo!
Gênio Quiz Felipe Neto – Jogo de Perguntas 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
ATENÇÃO!!! O jogo contém propagandas, o que um dia ajudouasustentar a minha empresa que criava a série Gênio Quiz. Casoelaslhe incomodem, durante o jogo, desative 3/4g e Wi-fi que elasserão"bloqueadas". Você já assistiu todos os meus vídeos do FelipeNetono YouTube? Conhece todos os lugares da Netoland? Leu oLivrão?Você sabe todas as cores que o cabelo dele já teve? -Mas eujá seitudo sobre o Felipe Neto! Claro que não! Nem o Bruno e aBrunasabem tudo sobre ele, e nem 2% das pessoas chega ao finaldestequiz!! -Mas eu ja zerei o canal do Felipe Neto!! Então tentazeraresse Gênio Quiz que faz REBULIÇO com os seguidores dele!!Saiba seseus conhecimentos sobre o Felipe Neto são suficientes paravenceresse jogo! Então dá aquele jóinha e se inscreva nesse quiz!Mostreque você é o maior gênio da Família Neto!
Genio Quiz LoL 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz LoL is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. In response torequests,we launched 50 new and unique questions for Genio QuizLoL.Remember that not all the answers are in the alternative! ~Legal ~The following issues is based on the free interpretation oftheseries of game managed by Riot Games, which owns thecopyrightsthereof and their relative responsibilities. Genio Quizrecognizesand respects these productions and his own, challengingas usual,intelligence and memory of its members in itsunderstandability,from the quotation of short extracts andpassages, as authorized byArt. 46, III and VIII gives BrazilianFederal Law 9.610 / 1998.Art. 46. It is an offense to copyright:III - the quotation inbooks, newspapers, magazines or any othermeans of communication,passages of any work, for study, criticismor controversy, thejustified measure for the specific purpose,indicating the author'sname and origin of the work; VIII - thereproduction in any worksof small snippets of existing works of anykind, or full work, whenfine arts, whenever the reproduction itselfis not the mainobjective of the new work and that does not harm theoperationnormal work reproduced and does not unreasonably prejudicethelegitimate interests of authors.
Genius Quiz 2018 World Cup 1.35
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz 2018 World Cup is a special edition of our seriesofgames as a theme behind much requested by our users. Features:-50unique questions -Sometimes the answers are not in thealternatives-Only 2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz Rick&M 1.0.6
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Rick&M is a special edition of our series ofgamesas a theme behind much requested by our users. Features: -50uniquequestions -Sometimes the answers are not in the alternatives-Only2% of people finish this game Online 1.23
André Birnfeld Online is an intense battle between monkeyschallengingdirectly your battle skill. Players all around world inthe arenato see who is the strongest. A complete .io gamerevolution. HOW TOPLAY: In this game, you have three weapons:Water, Fire and Punch,which one of them have it's personaladvantage against others.-Water weapon beats fire weapon; -Fireweapon beats punch weapon;-Punch weapon beats water weapon; Forshooting, use the right sideof the screen and slide your finger tomake a line to the oponentand throw the shot. For walking use theleft side stick. FEATURES:-> A LOT OF CUSTOMIZATIONS -> REALTIME ONLINE BATTLE ->AN OFFLINE SURVIVAL MODE -> POWER UPS TOGIVE YOU EXTRA POWERS
Genius Quiz OP 1.0
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz OP is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. Features: -50uniquequestions -Sometimes the answers are not in the alternatives-Only2% of people finish this game
Genius Quiz - Smart Brain Triv 3.0.8
André Birnfeld
Are you smart enough to beat a trivia game made for geniuses? Testyour brain!
Genius Quiz Youtubers - Smart Brain Trivia Game 1.0.1
André Birnfeld
Are you smart enough to beat a GENIUS-level quiz aboutyoutubers?Challenge your brain with the hardest questions in anytrivia gameever made! Use all the youtuber knowledge and thinkingpower inyour mind to get as far as you can in a 100-question quizdesignedfor geniuses! Think hard about your quiz answers and makeeverychoice count! Prove you’re a genius by beating the mostchallengingtrivia game ever made with only 3 lives! Show yourfriends you canbeat this free genius brain teaser quiz andchallenge them to getto the end faster than you! Learn how toanswer every questionquickly and perfectly and make them bow downto the smartest andsharpest mind in the room! GENIUS HIGHLIGHTS🧠ANSWER 100genius-level questions in a trivia gauntlet designed tochallengeand surprise even the sharpest quiz-experts out there!Thinkoutside the box and avoid mistakes at all costs if you want togetto the mysterious, almost legendary final question! 🧠CHALLENGEyourbrain and sharpen your mind with every new quiz level. Aseeminglyeasy question can turn into the ultimate brain teaser inthe blinkof an eye! Can you get to the end? 🧠TEST your youtuber andinternetknowledge and sheer brain power in a free trivia game youcan playwhenever and wherever you want! Grow your smarts and learnwithyour misteps to conquer the hardest quiz ever! Remember thatnotall the answers are in the alternative!
Genius Quiz 6 1.0.4
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 6 with lot of newquestions!
Genius Quiz 10 1.0.3
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 10 with lot of newquestions!
Gênio Quiz BBB 21 1.0
André Birnfeld
Quiz of the most watched program in Brazil
Gênio Quiz Luccas Neto 1
André Birnfeld
50 questões desenvolvidas para se você realmente conhece oseuídolo. Mostre que você é fã de verdade ou que conhece tudosobreele. -Se conseguir chegar até o final sem trapacear então vocêsabequase tudo sobre o Luccas Neto! Agora com a opção deremoverpropagandas, basta remover o Wi-fi! :)
Genius Quiz Poke 2 1.0
André Birnfeld
Genius Quiz Poke 2 is a special edition of our series of games asatheme behind much requested by our users. In response torequests,we launched 50 new and unique questions for Genio QuizPoke 2.Remember that not all the answers are in the alternative! ~Legal ~The following issues is based on the free interpretation oftheseries of animated TV , managed by the company which ownsthecopyrights thereof and their relative responsibilities. GenioQuizrecognizes and respects these productions and his own,challengingas usual, intelligence and memory of its members initsunderstandability, from the quotation of short extractsandpassages, as authorized by Art. 46, III and VIII givesBrazilianFederal Law 9.610 / 1998. Art. 46. It is an offense tocopyright:III - the quotation in books, newspapers, magazines orany othermeans of communication, passages of any work, for study,criticismor controversy, the justified measure for the specificpurpose,indicating the author's name and origin of the work; VIII -thereproduction in any works of small snippets of existing worksofany kind, or full work, when fine arts, whenever thereproductionitself is not the main objective of the new work andthat does notharm the operation normal work reproduced and does notunreasonablyprejudice the legitimate interests of authors.
Genius Quiz 7 1.1.7
André Birnfeld
Now in English, Genius Quiz 7 with lot of new questions!
Genius Quiz 8 1.1.7
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 8 with lot ofnewquestions!
Genius Quiz 9 1.0.5
André Birnfeld
For the very first time in English, Genius Quiz 9 with lot ofnewquestions!